"Reporter is inviting you to collaborate" flag stuck at the top of my page.
Chelsea Adams
The orange banner at the top of my screen that tells me I'm being invited to a job has been stuck there for months. The job is long over and completed and submitted by the reporter, but I can't get rid of the banner. Even when I click the "View Invitation," it just goes to my "You're all caught up!" dashboard.
Chelsea Adams
I'm wondering if there's any update on this??? Lauren Lawrence It's been six months since I reported it, and even longer since it's been there, and it still is there every time I log in. I've been completing jobs for another reporter via Stenovate and hoped that maybe that would knock it out, but it's still there.
Brittney Jordan
Lauren Lawrence
Brittney Jordan
Lauren Lawrence
Deb Doran
I have the exact same issue as well.